Our Brands
- A Shop of Things
- A.OK
- Abbie Ren Illustration
- Abel
- Activist
- Alessia E Art
- All The Ways To Say
- Altiplano
- Ametta Skin
- Ancient Veda
- Andraab
- Andree Jardin
- Another Studio
- Antinomie
- Antiquaria
- Apricity Ceramics
- Archivist
- Argentum Apothecary
- Artifact
- Ashes & Arbor
- Athar'a Pure
- Augustinus Bader
- Autour Du Parfum
- Avenida Home
- Bacanha
- Bachca Paris
- Bag-All
- Baggu
- Ballon
- Bamford
- Ban.do
- Bare Hands
- Barnabe Aime Le Cafe
- Bask Sunscreen
- Bastide
- Bathing Culture
- Bathorium
- Baudelaire
- BDK Parfums
- Beautyhabit
- Beautyhabit Basics
- Beautyhabit Discovery Series
- bee & daughter
- Bee Squared Apiaries
- Belle de Provence
- Bernard Parfum
- Bespoke Letterpress
- Beyond123
- Bi;jus
- Bienaime
- Bioderma
- Blanc Lila
- Blax + Smoothies
- Bloomist
- Bluecorn Beeswax
- Boheme Bliss
- Bombay Duck
- Bon Artis
- Bon Parfumeur Paris
- BonBon NYC
- Bonny Doon Farm
- Bonvini 1909
- Botanica Foods
- Botanica Paper Co.
- Botanopia
- Branche
- Brigitte Tanaka
- Britta Ambauen Jewelry
- Bromstad Printing Co.
- Burstenhaus Redecker
- By Nieves
- By Terry
- C.O. Bigelow
- cai & jo
- Camp Hollow
- Canasuc
- Captain Blankenship
- Caravan Home
- Care By Me
- Caroline Gardner
- Carolyn Suzuki Goods
- Carriere Freres
- Carthusia I Profumi di Capri
- Casa Bella Vida
- Casa Edel
- Centinelle
- Chamomile Life
- Chantecaille
- Charles Chocolates
- Chelbie Hunger Glassworks
- Chidoriya
- Child Perfume
- Christian Tortu
- Christophe Robin
- Cielito Lindo Studio
- Cinq Mondes
- Civil Alchemy
- Clean Skin Club
- Clementine Boutique
- CLP Jewelry
- Cocofloss
- Comme des Garcons
- Comptoir Sud Pacifique
- Confiture Parisienne
- Cookie & the Dude
- Coral & Tusk
- Corpus
- Cosmetics 27
- Cosmic Dealer
- Cosmic Peace Studio
- Costes
- Cotton Print Club
- Coucou Suzette
- Craft Boat
- Curio Spice Co.
- Fable England
- Fashion First Aid
- Fer a Cheval
- Fermenstation
- Fiat Luxe
- Firefly Notes
- Firefly Reflectors
- Flamingo Estate Organics
- Floragy
- Floras
- Floris London
- Flyte.70
- Fog Linen Work
- Foile
- Folia Body
- Folio Press & Paperie
- Formosa Fragrance
- Formulary 55
- Fragonard Parfumeur
- Frama
- France Luxe
- Frankie & Claude
- Frantoi Cutrera
- Frapin
- Fredericks and Mae
- Frenava
- French Dry Goods
- Fresh by Kit
- Frog Hollow Farm
- From Mila
- Funnyfish
- Furbish Studio
- Furtuna Skin
- L'Abeille Occitane
- L'Ami Provencal
- L'Aromarine
- L'Isolina Pasta
- L'Objet
- La Corvette
- La Familia Green
- La Ferme de l'Ours
- La Lavande
- La Maison d'Armorine
- La Rochere
- La Sablesienne
- La Selva Positano
- Laboratory Perfumes
- Lafayette Avenue Ceramics
- Larkly
- Lazybones
- Le Baigneur
- Le Petit Lien de Paris
- Le Prunier
- Leah Duncan
- Leaves and Flowers
- Lebon
- Leona
- Leone
- Leonor Greyl
- Les Abeilles de Malescot
- Les Anis de Flavigny
- Les Citadines
- Les Parfums de Rosine
- Lesley Darling Fiber
- Ligne St. Barth
- LIHA Beauty
- Linen Tales
- Linne
- Lisa Junius
- Living Libations
- Londontown
- Looshi
- Loree Rodkin
- Louis Sherry
- Lubin
- Lulu Organics
- Lvnea Perfume
- Mackenzie Myrick Studio
- Macon & Lesquoy
- Madame Lemy
- Maegen
- Magpie Mischief
- Mahe Homeware
- Maison Bouche
- Maison Francis Miot
- Maison Matine
- Maison Pechavy
- Makabi & Sons
- Malabar Baby
- Manetti Roberts of Florence
- Maria Schoettler
- Marvis
- Marvling Bros Ltd
- Masha Tea
- Mason Pearson
- Mater Soap
- Mathilde Cabanas
- Matta
- Maxwell's Mystic Market
- MDSolarSciences
- MEMO Paris
- Miller et Bertaux
- Mimi & August
- Mimi Dickson
- Minois Paris
- Misc Goods
- Mitomo
- Moko
- Molinard
- Molton Brown
- MOLY The Mythic Antidote
- Monsieur Barbier
- Monyette Paris
- Morihata
- Moth & Myth
- Mother Mother
- Mr. Boddington's Studio
- MT Masking Tape
- Mulxiply
- Murchison-Hume
- My Little Belleville
- My Lovely Thing
- PAAVANI Ayurveda
- Pacific & Rose Textiles
- Papier d'Armenie
- Papier Tigre
- Parcel
- Parfum d'Empire
- Parfums de Nicolai
- Paul & Joe Beaute
- Pelegrims
- Penhaligon's
- Penny Frances Apothecary
- People I've Loved
- Pepin
- Perfumeria Gal
- Perle di Sole
- Peruvian Gold
- Petit Jour Paris
- PetitFelts
- Philip B.
- Piel Culta
- Pilogen Carezza
- Pink House Organics
- Pirette
- Pley Beauty
- Poetica
- Poketo
- Pommade Divine
- POP Party Supplies
- Poppy & Pout
- Potluck Press
- Pre de Provence
- Printfresh
- Profumum Roma
- Proraso
- Province Apothecary
- Puremedy
- Pursoma
- Push Design Store
- S'well
- Saipua
- Sajou Paris
- Salad For President
- Salt & Stone
- Sana Jardin Paris
- Sangre de Fruta
- Santa Maria Novella
- Santa Rosa Candles
- Santos de Ibiza
- Sarah Hearts
- Sasawashi
- Saturna Outdoor Research
- Sava Seasons
- Savon Stories
- SaySilk
- Seak
- Shinto Towel
- Shiraleah
- Shoji Works
- Sibilia
- Silknlove Co.
- Skippy Cotton
- Smarty Pants Paper
- Smithereen Farm
- Snow Fox Skincare
- Soame
- Sockerbit
- Soil to Studio
- Sol De Ibiza
- Solinotes Paris
- Sophie La Girafe
- Speick
- Spring & Mulberry
- Sqirl
- Stewart & Claire
- Storied Folk & Co.
- StoryTiles
- Studio Carta
- Suavina
- Sugarluv
- Sunnie Lane
- Sunshine Rituals
- Suntouched
- Susanne Kaufmann
- Sweet Deliverance
- Sylvie Thiriez
- Takada Tawashi
- Tamra Copper LA
- Tangent GC
- Tenoverten
- The Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
- The Floral Society
- The Little Press
- The Neighborgoods
- The Quiet Botanist
- The Regional Assembly of Text
- The Sacred Essence
- The Wilds
- Thelma Paris
- Three by Three Seattle
- Three Potato Four
- Tiepology
- Timeless Organics Skin Care
- Tiny Rituals
- Tites Chaussettes
- Titlee Paris
- Tocca Beauty
- TOPS Malibu
- Trudon
- TRVL Design
- Tuuli
- Twig NY